Friday 27 January 2012

Fear of the Blank Page

Okay, one chapter down, another twenty or thirty to go, but what's chapter two?  Things are obviously going to get worse for my heroine, else there's no story, but how do I start?  The blank page glows, menacingly, defying me to sully it with my imperfect thoughts.  I remember a professional artist talking about this fear.  His response was to scribble over the pure sheet, to mark it, defile it, because once it was no longer blank, he couldn't spoil it; it was spoiled already; he could begin.
I've made a start on Chapter two, with an apology to my heroine, partly from one of the characters who will make her life more difficult, partly from me, because I'm doing the same thing.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Real Men Wear Tights

Nothing and no one is safe from a writer.  Saw the BalletBoyz last night.  Exciting and stimulating evening, watching beautiful, fit young men dancing.  Wow.  Think I'll have to include a little boy on boy action in a novel soon.

First Chapter!

Delighted to have got my first 1800 words down: wrote continuously from the time I did my first post.  Chapter called Bound, which marks a return to my earlier Garden novels.  Was worried because he is going to turn out different from what she currently thinks, but didn't want to to let her know this yet.
At first I map out roughly what might happen.  I'd done this, but my qualms were holding me back.  Now I'm free to move forward.

Starting Jennie

This blog begins with an image that inspired me while writing Virginia, a full-length novel I expect to be published late in 2012.  I've flopped about since writing this, trying to inspire myself with a fresh novel idea.
Jennie, a character from A Rose Without Thorns and Everyone Gets Frisky at Weddings, appeals to me.  In those books, she discovers she loves her boss, Carol, and runs away to Manchester to hide.  I wanted to know what happened to her there, but was also timid: bad things happen, and I'm sentimental about my characters, and hate harm coming to them.
I've decided to bite the bullet and write Jennie's story.